Tracks information
The conference will pursue its objectives by exploring nutrition for resilience across the four tracks:

Track 1: Micronutrient Biology and Status Assessment
What is the role of micronutrients in enhancing immune response to persistent infections and in the context of persistent food insecurity and nutrient-poor diets? How does climate change affect the micronutrient content of crops?

Track 2: Efficacy and Safety of Micronutrient Interventions
How do we safely scale up micronutrient interventions, particularly large-scale fortification programs, in crisis-prone, fragile, or climate change-affected contexts that have limited or inconsistent consumption of micronutrient-dense diets and whose populations need such interventions the most?

Track 3: Program Implementation and Effectiveness
What are the core components of programs that aim to strengthen community resilience? How can we make the delivery of micronutrient programs more resilient? How can we make micronutrient data systems more resilient? How can we integrate micronutrients into programs for resilience?

Track 4: Designing Enabling Environments for Micronutrients
What are the levers that national and global policymakers need to address micronutrient resilience? How can the nutrition community engage with other systems (such as social protection and humanitarian systems) and sectors (such as climate change and human rights actors)? How can we build a Mighty Nutrients movement that connects with partners in adjacent sectors including climate change, gender, and health?