Track 2: Efficacy and Safety of Micronutrient Interventions:
Objective: Providing an update of recent studies of the effects of micronutrient interventions on micronutrient intake, status and functional outcomes
Main Topics:

Lindsay Allen,
Research Physiologist, USDA,
ARS Western Human Nutrition Research Center, USA

Erick Boy,
Chief Nutritionist, Harvest Plus, Canada
17 October, 1:45 PM
New Solutions for Improving Iron Deficiency and Anemia in the First 1000 days
17 October, 10:30 AM
Biofortification as Foundational for Resilient Food Systems
17 October, 10:30 AM
Developments in Human Milk and Lactation
18 October, 10:30 AM
Micronutrient Interventions to Improve Maternal and Infant outcomes; When Best to Intervene?
18 October, 10:30 AM
Micronutrients and Cognition: From Development to Decline
18 October, 1:45 PM
The Global Prevention and Control of Iodine Deficiency: Sustainability and Durability of Iodine Programs
19 October, 1:45 PM
Latest Efficacy and Safety Studies
19 October, 10:30 AM
Micronutrient Status and Interventions: Relationships with Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs)
20 October, 10:30 AM
Neglected Micronutrients
*Please note that the program is subject to change