Nutrition for Resilience #N4R -
Ensuring Micronutrient Security in an Era of Complex Global Challenges
The world is facing multiple, complex and cascading challenges that are adversely impacting human well-being, including nutrition and micronutrient security. #MNF2023 will bring together diverse international and national delegates across sectors and disciplines to drive compelling and evidence-based agendas that promote nutrition and strengthen population resilience in the face of rising shocks including climate change and man-made conflicts.
The Global Conference offers opportunities to advance integrated research and identify innovative policy solutions and investments for micronutrient interventions, enabling accelerated progress towards global nutrition and development goals.

Road to Resilience (#R2R)
#N4R represents a critical stepping-stone to the Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Summit as leaders, experts, policymakers, program implementors, and advocates from across national governments, bilateral donors, multilateral organizations, academia, civil society, and responsible businesses join forces, build momentum, and align on a way forward that will shape N4G’s policy agenda.
As momentum and interest rise among leading nutrition partners, the Road to Resilience (R2R) Advocacy Agenda will bridge forthcoming global events along a collective agenda can be launched at #N4R and continue across other key moments, including COP, to the #N4G Summit in Paris.
Highlights From the Program:

Track 1: Micronutrient Biology and Status Assessment:
The biology of micronutrient nutrition and status assessment.

Track 2: Efficacy and Safety of Micronutrient Interventions:
The efficacy and safety of micronutrient interventions on micronutrient intake, status and related functional outcomes.

Track 3: Program Implementation and Effectiveness:
Bridging the gap between evidence and implementation to optimize the scale-up of micronutrient interventions.

Track 4: Designing Enabling Environments for Micronutrients:
Engaging new actors and building new alliances, and expanding the field of view to include global, regional, and national policy considerations, financing, innovative partnerships, climate change, communications, and advocacy.
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MNF 2023 will be held with the official support of: